
"Fate/Grand Order" (FGO) is a popular mobile game in Japan that features a wide roster of characters known as "Servants." These Servants are based on historical and legendary figures and are divided into different classes such as Saber, Archer, Lancer, Rider, Caster, Assassin, Berserker, and Shielder. Each Servant has unique abilities and playstyles, which can affect their popularity among players.

The popularity of Servants can change over time due to new additions, events, and story developments in the game. However, as of my last update in mid 2023, some of the most popular Servants in Japan, based on various sources such as character polls and community discussions, include:

  1. Saber Alter (Artoria Pendragon): The dark alter ego of the original Saber, known for her powerful attacks and a popular design.
  2. Jeanne d'Arc (Ruler): A fan-favorite due to her noble character, powerful abilities, and her role in the story.
  3. Okita Souji (Saber): A historical figure turned into a Saber-class Servant, known for her speed and agility.
  4. Nobunaga Oda (Caster): A unique take on the historical figure, known for her powerful mage abilities and a charismatic personality.
  5. Moriarty (Caster): A recent addition to the game, based on the famous antagonist from the Sherlock Holmes series, known for his strategic gameplay and a compelling character.
  6. Karna (Lancer): A Lancer-class Servant known for his powerful Noble Phantasm and a tragic backstory.
  7. Tamamo no Mae (Caster): A popular choice due to her versatile abilities and a charming personality.
  8. Scathach (Rider): A Rider-class Servant known for her powerful support abilities and a significant role in the story.
  9. Nero Claudius (Caster): A version of Nero Claudius that is known for her powerful offensive capabilities and a flamboyant personality.
  10. Merlin: A Caster-class Servant known for his powerful support abilities and a crucial role in the story.

Please note that this list is not exhaustive and can change over time. Popularity can also vary greatly depending on the region and the community. Additionally, the game regularly introduces new Servants, which can shift the popularity rankings. Character popularity can also be influenced by factors such as event appearances, limited availability, and the strength of their abilities in the meta of the game.