
"Fate/Grand Order" (FGO) is a mobile game developed by Delightworks and published by Aniplex. It is a part of the "Fate" series, which is a battle royale-type visual novel game where players summon historical or legendary figures as servants to fight for the Holy Grail. The game has been released in Japan, the United States, and other countries.

The rankings of servants in FGO can vary depending on the meta, which is constantly changing with the addition of new servants and the adjustments made by the developers. However, as of my knowledge cutoff in mid 2023, there is no definitive ranking for servants in FGO for 2024, as the game is continually evolving, and the meta can shift with each new update, event, and servant release.

That being said, some servants consistently perform well due to their strong abilities, versatility, or utility. These include servants like:

  1. Merlin - A support servant known for his powerful buffs and ability to provide critical star generation, NP generation, and invincibility to the team.
  2. Jeanne d'Arc (Alter) - A powerful Berserker with a strong defensive skill set and the ability to deal significant damage.
  3. Artoria Pendragon (Saber) - A well-rounded Saber class servant with a strong defensive stance and the ability to deal consistent damage.
  4. Okita Souji (Assassin) - A fast-charging Assassin with high damage output and a skill set that allows her to dodge attacks and increase her critical hit rate.
  5. Scathach - A support servant known for her ability to provide NP charge and star generation to the team, as well as her strong defensive capabilities.

It's important to note that the effectiveness of a servant can also depend on the player's strategy, the team composition, and the specific challenges they are facing. Additionally, the game often introduces new servants and updates that can shift the meta, so rankings can change over time.

For the most up-to-date rankings and discussions on servant performance, it's recommended to check with the FGO community, either through online forums, social media, or official game channels. Players often share strategies, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of different servants, and provide insights into the current meta.