Ever conceived最

"Ever conceived" 是一個英語短語,意思是「曾經被構思過」或「曾經被想像過」。這個短語通常用來描述某個想法、計畫、理論等,表示它已經在某人的腦海中出現過。例如:

"The idea of a flying car has been ever conceived, but it has yet to become a reality." (飛行汽車的想法已經被構思過,但它還沒有成為現實。)


"The possibility of life on other planets has been ever conceived, and scientists are still searching for evidence." (其他星球上存在生命的可能性已經被構思過,科學家們仍在尋找證據。)

在某些情況下,"ever conceived" 也可以用來強調某個概念或想法的重要性或影響力。例如:

"The theory of relativity is one of the most significant scientific discoveries ever conceived." (相對論是有史以來最重要的科學發現之一。)