
"EVA Final Unit-02" or "EVA Last Unit-02" is not a specific song title or lyrics from the anime series "Neon Genesis Evangelion" or its related media. The "EVA" series is known for its deep and symbolic storytelling, including its use of music, but there isn't a direct reference to a song with that title.

However, if you're referring to the theme song of the anime, it's called "Fly Me to the Moon" by various artists, including the version by Claire Littley for the original series and "Beautiful World" by Yoko Takahashi for the opening of the series. For the Rebuild of Evangelion film series, the theme song is "Cruel Angel's Thesis" by Yoko Takahashi.

If you're looking for lyrics from a specific scene or episode of "EVA," please provide more context so I can better assist you. The series does feature several memorable musical moments, and the soundtrack by Shiro Sagisu is highly regarded for its contribution to the show's atmosphere and emotional impact.