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"Dead or Alive" (死或生) is a popular video game series developed by Team Ninja and published by Tecmo Koei. The series is known for its fast-paced fighting gameplay and its focus on female characters. The series has gained a large following worldwide, and its characters have become popular subjects for fan art and other forms of media.

Pixiv (ピクシブ) is a Japanese online community for artists and writers, where users can share their work, get feedback, and connect with others who share their interests. The site is particularly popular among fans of anime, manga, and video games, and it is a common place for fans to post their own interpretations of popular characters and scenes.

Given the popularity of the "Dead or Alive" series, it is likely that there is a significant amount of fan art and other content related to the series on Pixiv. However, the exact number of works related to "Dead or Alive" on Pixiv would be difficult to determine, as the site does not provide a way to search for or filter content by specific series or franchises. Additionally, the popularity of a series on Pixiv can fluctuate over time, depending on a variety of factors such as the release of new games or media, the popularity of certain characters or ships, and the activities of the community.

If you are interested in finding "Dead or Alive" content on Pixiv, you can try searching using the Japanese title "死或生" or the English title "Dead or Alive." You may also want to browse through the works of other users who have posted "Dead or Alive" content, as many artists follow and are followed by other artists who share similar interests.