Dailymotion 1080 720最高

DailyMotion is a video-sharing platform that allows users to upload, share, and view videos. The platform supports a range of video resolutions, including 1080p and 720p, which are commonly referred to as Full HD and HD, respectively.

The term "1080 720" is not a standard resolution format. It's possible that you meant "1080p and 720p," which are the two most common high-definition video resolutions. Here's a breakdown of what these resolutions mean:

On DailyMotion, users can upload videos in various resolutions, including 1080p and 720p. The maximum resolution that a user can upload depends on their account type and the video's file size. For example, a user with a basic account may have a lower upload limit than a user with a premium account.

To upload a video in 1080p or 720p on DailyMotion, you would typically need to:

  1. Ensure that your video is encoded in a compatible format, such as MP4, AVI, or WMV.
  2. Upload your video to DailyMotion using the website or the mobile app.
  3. Choose the desired video quality during the upload process.

Keep in mind that the quality of the video you see on DailyMotion can also be affected by the playback device and the internet connection speed of the viewer. A high-quality video uploaded to DailyMotion may not look as good if the viewer's device or internet connection cannot support it.