

  1. At the end of the day:這個片語用來總結某件事或某個情況的最終結果。例如:"At the end of the day, we all want what's best for our children."

  2. On the other hand:這個片語用來引出與之前提到的觀點或情況相反的觀點或情況。例如:"I love my job, but on the other hand, it can be very stressful."

  3. In terms of:這個片語用來談論某個話題或情況的具體方面。例如:"In terms of education, we need to focus on improving our schools."

  4. As a matter of fact:這個片語用來強調某個陳述或觀點的真實性。例如:"As a matter of fact, I have been to that country several times."

  5. By the way:這個片語用來引入一個與之前話題相關,但不是直接相關的話題。例如:"I'm going to the store. By the way, do you need anything?"

  6. In addition:這個片語用來引入額外的信息或支持。例如:"I like the color blue. In addition, I also like green."

  7. On the contrary:這個片語用來表明某個觀點或情況與之前提到的相反。例如:"On the contrary, I think we should support this proposal."

  8. As a result:這個片語用來解釋某個行動或事件導致的後果。例如:"We didn't study for the test, as a result, we failed."

  9. In conclusion:這個片語用來總結一個論點或演講。例如:"In conclusion, we need to take action to save our planet."

  10. To sum up:這個片語用來簡要總結之前提到的點。例如:"To sum up, we've discussed the problem, the causes, and the solutions."
