At top最多英文

"At top" 是一個短語,意思是「在頂部」或者「在最高點」。如果你想要表達「最多」的意思,你需要使用不同的辭彙或短語。在英語中,「最多」通常用 "maximum"、"most"(當數量或程度已經明確是三個或更多時)、"up to"(表示最大數量或程度)、"as much as"(當用於比較時)等來表示。


  1. The company has a maximum of 50 employees. (這家公司最多有50名員工。)

  2. You can borrow up to 10 books from the library. (你最多可以從圖書館借10本書。)

  3. She can eat as much as three bowls of rice for dinner. (她晚餐最多能吃三碗米飯。)

  4. These tickets are the most expensive ones available. (這些票是最貴的。)

  5. There were at least 20 people at the meeting. (參加會議的人至少有20個。)
