At the end of the day我最

"At the end of the day" 是一句英語習語,意思是到了一天結束的時候,通常用來總結或強調某個觀點、決定或結論。這個短語可以用來表達一種最終的考慮或是在各種因素權衡之後的看法。


  1. 我們討論了很多不同的選項,但最終,我們決定採取這個計畫。 At the end of the day, we decided to go with this plan after discussing many different options.

  2. 儘管有困難,但團隊還是成功地完成了項目。At the end of the day, the team successfully completed the project despite the challenges.

  3. 無論發生什麼,家人總是支持我。At the end of the day, my family is always there for me, no matter what.
