Arena of valor英雄排行

"Arena of Valor" (王者榮耀) is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game developed by Tencent Games for mobile devices. It is particularly popular in China and other parts of Asia. The game features a roster of heroes, each with their own unique abilities and roles.

As of my last update in mid 2023, the specific hero rankings or tier lists can change over time due to updates, patches, and the meta of the game. However, I can provide you with a general idea of how heroes are typically ranked in such games.

In "Arena of Valor" and similar MOBA games, heroes are often ranked based on their effectiveness in various roles and in different aspects of the game, such as:

  1. Tier List: Heroes are placed into tiers based on their overall strength and performance. Tiers might include S, A, B, C, or D, with S being the strongest and D being the weakest.

  2. Role: Heroes are typically classified into roles such as Assassin, Mage, Marksman, Support, Tank, and Warrior. Each role has its own set of responsibilities and playstyles.

  3. Difficulty: Heroes may also be ranked based on their difficulty to play, with some being more complex and requiring more skill to use effectively.

  4. Ban Rate: The rate at which a hero is banned in competitive matches can be an indicator of their perceived strength or annoyance factor.

  5. Pick Rate: The frequency at which a hero is picked in matches can reflect their popularity and perceived effectiveness.

  6. Win Rate: The percentage of matches a hero wins can be a metric for their overall effectiveness in the hands of the general player base.

To get the most accurate and up-to-date information on hero rankings in "Arena of Valor," you should check the game's official forums, community websites, or social media platforms where players discuss the current meta and share tier lists. Additionally, professional players and high-ranking streamers can provide insights into which heroes are currently strong or weak in the current version of the game.

Remember that the best hero for you might not be the one at the top of the tier list, as playstyle, personal preference, and team composition can greatly influence a hero's effectiveness in a given match.