
AndroBench is a benchmarking tool designed specifically for Android devices that allows users to measure and compare the performance of various aspects of their device's storage system, including random and sequential read and write speeds. The AndroBench rankings are a list that shows the performance of different Android devices based on their storage performance.

To find the latest AndroBench rankings, you can visit the AndroBench website or look for online resources that compile and update this information. Keep in mind that the rankings can change as new devices are released and older devices receive software updates that may affect their storage performance.

When looking at AndroBench rankings, it's important to consider the following:

  1. Device Compatibility: Not all Android devices are compatible with AndroBench, and some may have limitations that affect the accuracy of the results.

  2. Version of AndroBench: The tool has different versions, and each version may have its own set of rankings. Make sure to check the latest version for the most up-to-date rankings.

  3. Device Configuration: The storage performance can vary depending on the specific configuration of the device, such as the type of storage (e.g., eMMC, UFS) and the amount of RAM.

  4. Software Version: The performance of the device's storage can also be affected by the version of the Android operating system and any custom software or optimizations implemented by the device manufacturer.

  5. Test Conditions: The rankings are typically based on standardized test conditions, but real-world performance may vary depending on the apps being used, the amount of data stored on the device, and other factors.

  6. Device Model: Different models within the same product line can have different storage configurations, which can affect their performance and ranking.

  7. User Environment: The user's environment, such as temperature and network conditions, can also affect the device's performance.

Remember that while AndroBench rankings can be a useful tool for comparing the raw storage performance of Android devices, they are just one aspect of a device's overall performance. Other factors, such as the device's processor, graphics capabilities, and user interface, also play important roles in determining the overall user experience.