
"Hot" or "most popular" wallpapers can be subjective and can vary depending on the source. However, I can provide you with some popular wallpaper trends from 2017 that might have been popular in November. These include:

  1. Minimalist designs: Simple, clean, and often monochromatic designs were very popular in 2017.

  2. Nature scenes: Wallpapers featuring landscapes, forests, mountains, and seascapes were always popular.

  3. Abstract art: Abstract designs in various colors and patterns were also trending.

  4. Space imagery: With the increasing interest in space exploration, wallpapers featuring planets, stars, and nebulae were popular.

  5. Geometric patterns: Wallpapers with geometric shapes and lines in various colors and sizes were also trending.

  6. Retro and vintage designs: Nostalgic designs that harken back to the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s were also popular.

  7. Texture and material designs: Wallpapers that mimic the look of different materials like wood, concrete, and metal were also trending.

  8. Animal prints: Wallpapers featuring animal patterns like zebra stripes, leopard spots, and abstract animal designs were also popular.

  9. Gaming and pop culture: Wallpapers featuring characters and scenes from popular video games and movies were also popular.

  10. Live wallpapers: Wallpapers that feature moving elements like water, fire, or clouds were also trending.

Remember, these are general trends and what was popular in one region or community might not have been as popular in another.