2016最好mail client

"Best" is subjective and can depend on individual needs and preferences. However, as of my last update in mid 2023, I can provide you with some popular and highly regarded email clients from 2016 that were considered good options at the time:

  1. Apple Mail: For macOS users, Apple Mail is a default email client that offers a clean and intuitive interface. It integrates well with other Apple products and services.

  2. Microsoft Outlook: Outlook, available both as a standalone application and as part of the Microsoft Office suite, is a feature-rich email client that is popular among professionals for its robust calendar, task management, and contact features.

  3. Thunderbird: Mozilla Thunderbird is a free and open-source email client known for its customization options, security features, and support for multiple email accounts.

  4. Mailbox by Dropbox: Mailbox was an innovative email client that introduced unique features like swiping to archive or delete emails, and it was designed to help users manage their inboxes more efficiently. However, it was discontinued in 2016.

  5. Airmail: Airmail was a popular email client for macOS that offered a modern interface, fast performance, and support for multiple email services.

  6. Spark: Spark was another email client that gained popularity for its smart features, such as the ability to snooze emails and its focus on productivity.

  7. Gmail (Web Client): While not a desktop application, the Gmail web client was and still is a widely used email service known for its clean design, powerful search capabilities, and integration with other Google services.

  8. Outlook.com (Web Client): Microsoft's Outlook.com web client offered a clean interface and integration with Microsoft services, making it a popular choice for those who prefer a web-based email experience.

Please note that the landscape of email clients has evolved since 2016, and newer versions of these clients may have different features and improvements. Additionally, some clients may have been discontinued or acquired by other companies. Always check the latest reviews and user feedback to find the email client that best suits your needs.