10th single二重の虹ダブルレインボウ最高さあ行こうbt

It seems like you're referring to the title of a song or a music release in Japanese. Could you provide more context or information so that I can assist you better? "10th single" suggests it's the 10th single release of an artist or a group, and "二重の虹" (Nigou no niji) means "Double Rainbow" in English. "ダンナレインボー" (Dan'naraibō) could be the artist's name or part of the title. "最高さあ行こう" (Sakusasa ikō) might be the title of the song or a phrase related to the release. "Bt" could stand for "beat" or "backtrack," but without more context, it's difficult to provide a precise answer. If you're looking for information about the release date, artist, music video, lyrics, or anything else related to this song or single, please provide additional details so I can help you better.