
End credits of the movie:

[The screen fades to black as the final scene ends]

[The first credit appears on the screen] "Directed by [Director's Name]"

[More credits follow in sequence] "Produced by [Producer's Names]" "Screenplay by [Writer's Names]" "Cinematography by [Cinematographer's Name]" "Edited by [Editor's Name]" "Original Music by [Composer's Name]"

[A list of cast members appears, with their respective roles] "Starring: [Actor 1's Name] as [Character's Name] [Actor 2's Name] as [Character's Name] [Actor 3's Name] as [Character's Name] ..."

[Additional credits for production design, costume design, visual effects, sound design, etc. appear] "Production Design by [Production Designer's Name]" "Costume Design by [Costume Designer's Name]" "Visual Effects by [VFX Supervisor's Name]" "Sound Design by [Sound Designer's Name]"

[A list of the film's production companies and distribution company appears] "A Film By [Production Company 1] [Production Company 2] ... Distributed by [Distribution Company]"

[Legal disclaimers and copyright information are displayed] "Copyright © [Year] [Production Company]" "All Rights Reserved"

[The final credit rolls up] "Thank You for Watching"

[The film's logo or studio watermark appears, along with any post-credit scenes or teasers]

[The screen fades to black, signaling the end of the movie]