
You're referring to the popular Chinese web novel "隨身種田" (Sui Shen Zhong Tian), which is also known as "The Farmer's Daughter" or "The Woman Who Married a Man from Another World". It has gained immense popularity worldwide, especially among Asian audiences.

To keep you updated, I'll provide you with the latest chapter information. Please note that the novel is still ongoing, and new chapters are being released regularly.

Latest Chapter: Volume 14, Chapter 114 (隨身種田第14卷第114章)

As of my knowledge cutoff, this is the most recent chapter available. However, please be aware that the novel's updates might have changed since then.

If you'd like to stay up-to-date with the latest chapters, I recommend checking out official fan translation groups or popular online platforms that host the novel, such as Novel Updates or Wuxia World.

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