
"降到最低" 這個短語在英文中通常被翻譯為 "reduce to the minimum" 或者 "bring down to the minimum"。這個短語通常用於描述將某物的數量、成本、風險或其他方面儘可能地減少到最低限度。


  1. We need to reduce our expenses to the minimum to stay within our budget. 我們需要將我們的開支減少到最低限度,以保持在我們預算之內。

  2. The company is trying to bring down the production costs to the minimum. 該公司正試圖將生產成本減少到最低限度。

  3. The doctor advised me to reduce my sugar intake to the minimum. 醫生建議我將糖的攝入量減少到最低限度。

  4. Security measures have been increased to minimize the risk of theft. 安全措施已經加強以減少盜竊的風險。

  5. The government is aiming to reduce unemployment to the minimum. 政府的目標是減少失業率到最低限度。

請注意,"降到最低" 也可以根據上下文有不同的翻譯,例如 "minimize", "lower to the least", "cut down to the minimum", "keep to a minimum", "reduce as much as possible" 等。