
阿米亥(Yehuda Amichai)是以色列著名詩人,他的作品深受全球讀者喜愛。其中一首非常經典且廣為流傳的詩叫做《兩個人》(Two People),這首詩以富有哲理和深情的方式表達了人類關係的複雜性和親密性。以下是這首詩的一部分英文版翻譯:

Two people are sitting together on a bench in the park. One is sad, one is happy. How can they be together?

And this too: One is thinking, the other is daydreaming. Will they ever understand each other?

But here's something else: One is looking at the other. One is asking with the eyes, the other is answering with the smile.
