
"Who has the most money?" is not a traditional setup for a joke, but it can be used in a playful or satirical context. Here's a light-hearted take on it:

Three friends, a banker, a lawyer, and an artist, are arguing about who has the most money.

The banker says, "I have the most money. I manage millions of dollars in assets every day."

The lawyer laughs and says, "You may manage money, but I have the most. I've won millions in lawsuits."

The artist, feeling left out, says, "You're both wrong. I have the most money because I can draw a perfect picture of a million dollars, and it's just as good as the real thing!"

Just then, a billionaire walks by and says, "You're all wrong. I have the most money."

The friends look at him, puzzled, and the artist asks, "But how much do you have?"

The billionaire replies, "I don't know. I haven't finished counting yet."

This joke plays on the idea that having the most money is relative and can be a matter of perspective or situation. It also pokes fun at the concept of wealth and the different ways people can perceive or approach it.