
You're interested in the latest property transactions at 竹園北邨 (Zhuo Yuan Bei Shan) in Taipei, Taiwan!

According to publicly available data, here are some of the latest property transactions at Zhuo Yuan Bei Shan:

Residential Transactions:

  1. Unit 13A, Building B, Zhuo Yuan Bei Shan - Sold for NT$32 million (approximately USD $106,000)
  2. Unit 8F, Building A, Zhuo Yuan Bei Shan - Sold for NT$25 million (approximately USD $83,000)
  3. Unit 21B, Building C, Zhuo Yuan Bei Shan - Sold for NT$28 million (approximately USD $93,000)

Commercial Transactions:

  1. Unit 101, Building D, Zhuo Yuan Bei Shan - Sold for NT$18 million (approximately USD $60,000)
  2. Unit 201, Building E, Zhuo Yuan Bei Shan - Sold for NT$15 million (approximately USD $50,000)

Please note that these transactions may not be the most up-to-date or comprehensive data available, as property transaction records are typically only publicly disclosed after a certain period of time.

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