
According to historical records, Wang Bo (王勃, 226-493 CE) wrote his last poem on the day of his execution in 493 CE. The poem is called "The Last Poem" (《絕命詩》) and it is a lamentation of his own fate and a reflection on the fleeting nature of human life.

Here's a translation:

My heart is heavy as I prepare to go, My body weak, my spirit worn. In this world, where all things pass, What is there for me, but to depart?

I have not lived up to my hopes, And now I must leave, without regret. My poetry, though not perfect, Is what I leave behind, a fleeting regret.

Oh, the tears that fall like rain, As I bid farewell to this mortal coil! To those who will come after me, Take note: death is near, and all is vain!

This poem expresses Wang Bo's sense of resignation and acceptance as he faced his own mortality. It is considered one of the most famous poems in Chinese literature, and its themes of impermanence and the fleeting nature of human life continue to resonate with readers to this day.