
潘霍華(Dietrich Bonhoeffer)是20世紀德國著名的神學家、神父和反納粹主義者。他在第二次世界大戰期間參與了密謀刺殺希特勒的行動,但最終失敗被捕,並於1945年4月9日在弗洛森比格集中營(Flossenbürg concentration camp)被處決。在他生命的最後幾年,他的詩歌和書信展現了他對信仰、生命和人類狀況的深刻思考。

潘霍華的最後之詩並不是一首特定的詩,而是他在被囚期間寫下的許多詩歌和書信中的一小部分。他的詩歌和書信在他死後被收集並出版,包括《獄中書簡》(Letters and Papers from Prison)和《詩歌與書信》(Poems and Letters)等書。



"Who am I? They often tell me I am a nameless man who stands in line to be hanged like a dog.

This is what I have become. But I still know that I am more than that. I am a man with a soul, a soul that is part of God's creation, a soul that is loved by God.

I am a man who has sinned, who has made mistakes, but who has also tried to do good. I am a man who has loved, who has laughed, who has cried.

I am a man who is dying, but I am also a man who lives. For as long as my soul is alive, I am alive.

And when my body is gone, my soul will live on. For God's love is eternal, and it is in that love that I find my true identity."
