

  1. "We must unite to move forward."(我們必須團結一致,向前邁進。)
  2. "Hong Kong is a city of opportunities."(香港是一個充滿機會的城市。)
  3. "We will strive to ensure a safe and secure society."(我們將努力確保社會的安全和穩定。)
  4. "Efficiency and effectiveness are key to governance."(效率和效能是治理的關鍵。)
  5. "We must listen to the voices of the people."(我們必須傾聽人民的聲音。)
  6. "Hong Kong's success is built on its rule of law."(香港的成功建立在法治之上。)
  7. "We will work tirelessly to improve people's livelihoods."(我們將不懈努力改善民生。)
  8. "Education is the foundation of our future."(教育是我們的未來基石。)
  9. "We must maintain Hong Kong's unique status."(我們必須保持香港獨特地位。)
  10. "Together, we can achieve more."(一起,我們可以做得更多。)
