

  1. 威廉·華茲華斯(William Wordsworth)的《丁登寺》(Tintern Abbey)中有這樣一句: "... I have felt A presence that disturbs me with the joy Of elevated thoughts; a sense sublime Of something far more deeply interfused, Whose dwelling is the light of setting suns, And the round ocean and the living air, And the blue sky, and in the mind of man: A motion and a spirit, that impels All thinking things, all objects of all thought, And rolls through all things."

  2. 珀西·比希·雪萊(Percy Bysshe Shelley)的《西風頌》(Ode to the West Wind)中,有一段描繪了西風的力量: "... Thou who didst waken from his summer dreams The blue Mediterranean, where he lay, Lull'd by the coil of his crystalline streams, Beside a pumice isle in Baiae's bay, And saw the poetry of earth, which was The emblem of thy beauty, spread itself Over the sea and land."

  3. 羅伯特·弗羅斯特(Robert Frost)的《山頂》(The Summit)中,他寫道: "I have stood still and stopped the sound of feet When far away at other end of time And out of mind, the lost and lovely things Rose softly then as now, and just as slow."

  4. 艾米麗·狄金森(Emily Dickinson)的詩中有一句: "The Mountains—do not meet the Eye— But kindly—turn away— As if the majesty of Sight Should not too oft—survey."

  5. 中國唐代詩人王之渙的《登鸛雀樓》中有這樣的名句: "白日依山盡,黃河入海流。 欲窮千里目,更上一層樓。"
