
"最高支援"直譯為英文是 "highest support"。在不同的語境中,這個短語可能有不同的含義,但通常它指的是在某個特定領域或方面提供的最高級別的支持。例如:

  1. 技術支持:A company provides the highest support for its customers in terms of technical assistance. (該公司在技術援助方面為其客戶提供最高支持。)

  2. 政治支持:The government has announced its highest support for the new economic policies. (政府已經宣布對新的經濟政策給予最高支持。)

  3. 軍事支持:NATO members have agreed to provide the highest support to the country under attack. (北約成員國已經同意向遭受攻擊的國家提供最高支持。)

  4. 情感支持:My family has always been there for me, offering me their highest support during difficult times. (我的家人一直在我身邊,在我困難的時候給予我最高的支持。)
