
"The most unforgettable English" 這個短語本身就有點不自然,因為 "unforgettable" 已經是一個形容詞,用來修飾名詞 "English" 並不恰當。如果你想要表達的是"我最難忘的英文單詞/句子/經歷",你可以這樣說:

"My most unforgettable English word/sentence/experience is ..."


"My most unforgettable English word is 'sophomore' because it was the first word I learned that I thought was really cool and it stuck with me ever since."

"My most unforgettable English sentence is 'The early bird catches the worm.' I heard it from my English teacher and it has always been a motivational phrase for me."

"My most unforgettable English experience was when I gave a speech in front of the whole school in English. I was so nervous but the feeling of accomplishment afterwards was incredible."

這些句子中的 "most unforgettable" 是用來修飾名詞 "word," "sentence," 和 "experience," 這才是正確的用法。