
"The most distant distance in the world" is a phrase often associated with the Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore, but it is not a direct quote from any of his works. However, it is inspired by the themes and ideas found in his poetry, particularly his exploration of the concept of distance and separation.

Tagore's poetry often deals with the theme of longing and separation, and how these feelings can be as powerful as, or even more powerful than, physical proximity. In this context, "the most distant distance" could be interpreted as the emotional distance between two people who are close in physical space but are far apart in their hearts or minds.

While there isn't a specific poem or quote by Tagore that uses these exact words, his work is rich with ideas that could inspire such a sentiment. For example, in his poem "Letter from the Desert," Tagore writes:

"Distance does not separate us, my dear, For our souls are side by side, Though we are apart from each other, Our hearts beat in unison."

This poem, and many others by Tagore, explore the idea that true connection transcends physical distance, suggesting that the most profound sense of separation is not one of geography but of the heart and spirit.