
"Best wishes" 是最常見的表達真摯祝福的英文說法之一,可以用在各種場合,例如婚禮、生日、畢業或是某人即將開始新的工作或生活階段。


  1. "Wishing you all the happiness in the world." (祝你擁有世界上所有的幸福。)

  2. "May your dreams come true." (願你的夢想成真。)

  3. "Sending you love and light." (送上我的愛與光明。)

  4. "May you have a life filled with joy and laughter." (願你的生活充滿歡樂和笑聲。)

  5. "Wishing you health and happiness." (祝你健康和幸福。)

  6. "May the coming year bring you success and prosperity." (願來年為你帶來成功和繁榮。)

  7. "Here's to a bright future ahead." (為了光明的未來,乾杯。)

  8. "May you find love and laughter every day." (願你每天都找到愛與歡笑。)

  9. "Wishing you a life of adventure and excitement." (祝你生活充滿冒險和刺激。)

  10. "May your days be filled with love, laughter, and happiness." (願你的日子充滿愛、笑聲和幸福。)

選擇祝福語時,考慮到對方的個人喜好和即將到來的特殊事件是很重要的。例如,如果某人即將退休,你可能會說:"Wishing you a happy and healthy retirement." (祝你退休生活幸福健康。)