

  1. "To be on the same page"

    • 意思:指雙方或多方在某件事情上意見一致,想法相同。
    • 例句:"After much discussion, we're finally on the same page about how to proceed with the project."
  2. "To hit the ground running"

    • 意思:指一開始就非常積極地工作或行動,沒有任何拖延或準備。
    • 例句:"The new team members were eager to hit the ground running on their first day."
  3. "To think outside the box"

    • 意思:指不拘泥於傳統或常規的思維方式,從不同的角度或創新的方式來解決問題。
    • 例句:"We need to think outside the box if we want to come up with a truly innovative solution."
  4. "To keep an eye on"

    • 意思:指密切關注某人或某事,防止發生問題。
    • 例句:"I'll keep an eye on the kids while you're out."
  5. "To go the extra mile"

    • 意思:指超越基本的期望或要求,付出額外的努力。
    • 例句:"She always goes the extra mile to ensure her clients are satisfied."
  6. "To play devil's advocate"

    • 意思:指故意提出反對意見或挑戰主流觀點,以促進更深入的討論。
    • 例句:"I'm just playing devil's advocate here, but what if we approached this from a different angle?"
  7. "To be under the microscope"

    • 意思:指受到極大的關注或審查,每個細節都被仔細檢查。
    • 例句:"The company's financial practices are under the microscope following the recent scandal."
  8. "To have eyes in the back of your head"

    • 意思:指有超乎尋常的感知能力,能夠注意到身後的動靜。
    • 例句:"As a parent, you need to have eyes in the back of your head to keep an eye on your kids."
  9. "To put all your eggs in one basket"

    • 意思:指將所有的賭注放在一個地方,不分散風險。
    • 例句:"Investing all your money in one stock is like putting all your eggs in one basket."
  10. "To be a breath of fresh air"

    • 意思:指某人或某事令人耳目一新,帶來了新的氣息。
    • 例句:"Her positive attitude is really a breath of fresh air in the office."
