
"Fastest" in the context of academic journals typically refers to the speed at which a journal processes and publishes articles after they have been submitted by authors. This includes the time it takes for the journal to review manuscripts, conduct peer review, make decisions on acceptance or rejection, and publish the final version of the article.

However, it's important to note that the term "fastest" is relative and can vary widely depending on the field of study, the specific journal, and the current workload of the journal's editorial team and reviewers. Additionally, some journals may have a fast-track or expedited publication option for authors who need to publish their work quickly for various reasons, such as meeting funding deadlines or presenting their findings at a conference.

To find the fastest journals in a particular field, researchers often look at the average time to first decision (how long it takes for the journal to make an initial decision on a manuscript after it has been submitted) and the average time from acceptance to publication (how long it takes for a manuscript to be published after it has been accepted for publication).

Some journals are known for their fast publication times, but these can change over time, so it's always a good idea to check the most current information from the journal or publisher directly, or look for recent articles that provide updates on the speed of publication in various journals. Additionally, resources like the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) and the Publish or Perish software can provide insights into the publication times of various journals.