
"最後" 這個辭彙在英文中通常使用 "last"。以下是一些例子:

  1. The meeting will last for two hours. (會議將持續兩小時。)
  2. She was the last person to leave the office. (她是最後一個離開辦公室的人。)
  3. I tried my best, but in the end, I was the last one to finish the race. (我盡力了,但最後我還是最後一個完成比賽的。)
  4. The concert ended with a last song. (音樂會以最後一首歌結束。)
  5. Can you please send me the last email you received from him? (你能把最後收到他的那封郵件發給我嗎?)

如果你想表達的是「最終」、「結局」或者「終點」的意思,你也可以使用 "final":

  1. The final score was 2-1. (最終比分是2-1。)
  2. She made a final decision to quit her job. (她最終決定辭去工作。)
  3. We are in the final stage of the project. (我們正處於項目的最後階段。)
  4. Can you please tell me the final result of the match? (你能告訴我比賽的結果嗎?)
  5. The final exam is next week. (期末考試在下周。)

在某些情況下,"last" 和 "final" 可以互換使用,但通常 "last" 指的是順序上的最後,而 "final" 指的是結果上的最後或終點。