
《最後的決鬥》(The Last Duel)是一部於2021年上映的歷史劇情片,由雷德利·斯科特(Ridley Scott)執導,根據埃里克·瓊斯(Eric Jager)的書《最後的審判:中世紀法國的最後一場合法決鬥》改編而成。電影由馬特·達蒙(Matt Damon)、亞當·德賴弗(Adam Driver)、朱迪·科默(Jodie Comer)和本·阿弗萊克(Ben Affleck)主演。

《最後的決鬥》的故事背景設定在14世紀的法國,講述了最後一場在法國被合法承認的決鬥。電影從三個不同的視角來敘述同一個事件: Firstly, from the perspective of Jean de Carrouges (played by Matt Damon), a knight who challenges his squire Jacques Le Gris (played by Adam Driver) to a duel after accusing him of raping his wife, Marguerite (played by Jodie Comer). Secondly, from the perspective of Jacques Le Gris, who denies the accusation. Finally, from the perspective of Marguerite, who recounts her version of the events leading up to the duel.

Critics have generally praised the film for its strong performances, particularly those of Jodie Comer, and its unique narrative structure. The film has been lauded for its historical accuracy and its exploration of themes such as honor, justice, and the treatment of women during the medieval period.

However, some critics have noted that the film's pacing can be slow at times, and that it may not appeal to a wider audience due to its complex narrative structure and historical setting.

Overall, "The Last Duel" has been received positively by critics, with many praising its ambition and its timely commentary on issues of consent and the justice system.