
"Last minute" or "final countdown" are common English phrases used to describe the last or crucial stage of something, often implying a sense of urgency or importance. These phrases can be used in a variety of contexts, such as a deadline, a major event, or a significant moment.

Here are some examples of how these phrases might be used:

  1. "We're in the last minute before the project deadline, everyone needs to stay focused."
  2. "The final countdown has begun, we're just hours away from the launch."
  3. "It's the last minute to place your bets, the race is about to start."
  4. "We're in the final countdown to my wedding, and there's still so much to do!"
  5. "The last minute of the game was intense, and then they scored the winning goal."

These phrases can add excitement or tension to a situation, depending on the context and the speaker's tone.