
"最後一件事情" 用英文可以表達為 "One last thing" 或者 "The last thing"。通常在列舉多個事項後,想要提及最後一個事項時,可以使用 "One last thing"。如果是在討論或演講的結尾,想要強調最後的觀點或信息,也可以使用 "The last thing"。


  1. 在會議結束時,你想提醒大家一個重要的事項,可以說:

    • "Before we close the meeting, I have one last thing to mention."
    • "The last thing I want to discuss is the upcoming deadline for the project."
  2. 在寫電子郵件時,你想在郵件的結尾添加一個額外的信息,可以說:

    • "Please find the attached document with the latest updates. Oh, and one last thing, could you please remind the team to fill out the survey by the end of the week?"
    • "Thank you for your attention. The last thing I'd like to remind you of is the company-wide meeting next Monday."

記住,"One last thing" 通常用於口語交流,而在正式的書面語中,通常會直接說 "The last thing"。