


  1. 個人成就:我終於考上了理想的大學,這是我最幸福的事。
  2. 家庭生活:每天回家看到家人的笑臉,就是我生活中最幸福的事。
  3. 友情:能夠擁有幾個知心朋友,是我最幸福的事。
  4. 愛情:和他/她手牽手走在沙灘上,是我最幸福的事。
  5. 職業發展:我的努力得到了認可,被提升為部門經理,這是我職業生涯中最幸福的事。

在英文中,"最幸福的事"可以翻譯為 "the happiest thing" 或者 "the most joyful experience"。在英文中,這個短語通常用來描述一種情感狀態或者是一種生活經歷。


  1. 個人成就:Getting into my dream university is the happiest thing that has ever happened to me.
  2. 家庭生活:Coming home to see my family's smiling faces is the most joyful experience in my life.
  3. 友情:Having a few close friends is the happiest thing in my life.
  4. 愛情:Walking hand in hand with her on the beach is the happiest moment in my life.
  5. 職業發展:My hard work being recognized and being promoted to department manager is the happiest moment in my career.
