

  1. 開場白(Introduction):演講者會以一個吸引聽眾注意力的引子開始,可能是一個故事、一個問題或一個驚人的統計數據。

  2. 主題陳述(Thesis Statement):演講者會明確他們的演講主題或主要觀點。

  3. 論點(Arguments):演講者會提供支持他們主題陳述的論點或證據。

  4. 結論(Conclusion):演講者會總結他們的觀點,並可能重申他們的開場白,以達到首尾呼應的效果。


Good morning, everyone. Today, I want to talk about the importance of education in our society. Education is the key to unlocking our potential and achieving our goals. It opens doors to new opportunities and empowers us to make a positive impact in the world.

In conclusion, let us remember that education is not just about acquiring knowledge; it's about transforming lives and building a better future for all. Thank you.
