
"The End" by The Doors is often cited as one of the longest songs in terms of duration and lyrical content. It's a 11-minute track from their self-titled debut album, released in 1967. The song is known for its poetic and often cryptic lyrics, which were written by the band's lead singer, Jim Morrison.

The song is divided into several sections, each with its own distinct feel and lyrical theme. It starts with a slow, bluesy intro before transitioning into a more psychedelic, atmospheric sound. The lyrics touch on themes of death, rebirth, and the human condition, with Morrison delivering his words in a spoken-word style that was quite unique for its time.

While "The End" is not the longest song ever recorded, it is certainly one of the most famous and influential long-form tracks in rock music history. Its length and complexity have made it a staple of The Doors' live performances and a favorite among fans and critics alike.