
"最初"在英文中通常被翻譯為 "originally" 或者 "at first"。這兩個詞都可以用來表示時間上的起點或者事物發展的起始點。


  1. "最初,我以為這是一個好主意。" - Originally, I thought it was a good idea.
  2. "最初幾年,公司經歷了很多困難。" - In the first few years, the company experienced a lot of difficulties.
  3. "他最初是學工程的,但後來轉學了商科。" - He originally studied engineering, but then switched to business.


  1. "這幅畫最初是由一位不知名的藝術家創作的。" - This painting was originally created by an unknown artist.
  2. "這個城市最初是由一群探險家建立的。" - The city was originally founded by a group of explorers.

在口語中,"最初"還可以簡單地用 "first" 來表示,例如:

  1. "我首先需要準備一些材料。" - I first need to gather some materials.
  2. "我首先要做的是清理這個空間。" - The first thing I need to do is clean up this space.

總之,"最初"在英文中可以根據上下文靈活地使用 "originally", "at first", "first" 或者 "in the beginning" 等辭彙來表達。