
"最上級感謝" 直譯為英文是 "the highest level of gratitude"。在英語中,表達最高級感謝時,可以使用以下句子:

  1. "I would like to express my deepest gratitude for your kindness." (我想對你的善意表示最深切的感謝。)

  2. "We are extremely grateful for your generous donation." (我們對你的慷慨捐贈極為感激。)

  3. "I cannot thank you enough for your support during this difficult time." (在這段困難時期,我無法充分表達對你支持的感謝。)

  4. "Your help is greatly appreciated." (你的幫助非常受到感激。)

  5. "On behalf of everyone here, I want to extend our most sincere thanks." (我代表這裡的所有人,想要表達我們最真誠的感謝。)
