
在英文中,"排行"的名詞通常用 "rank" 或 "order" 來表示。"Rank" 通常用於軍事或職業等級的上下關係,而 "order" 則用於描述序列或等級的順序。以下是一些例子:

  1. "She is the first child in the family, so she is the eldest." (她是家中的第一個孩子,所以她是最大的。)

  2. "The soldiers were ordered by rank." (士兵們按照軍銜排列。)

  3. "The books were arranged in alphabetical order." (這些書籍按照字母順序排列。)

  4. "The team's performance was ranked last in the league." (該隊的表現被評為聯盟中最差的。)

  5. "The students were seated according to their test scores." (學生們按照他們的考試成績就座。)

在這些句子中,"first", "eldest", "ranked", "order", and "according to" 分別用來表示不同的排行或順序。