
"地獄廚神"(Hell's Kitchen)是一檔美國的烹飪競賽真人秀,由英國名廚戈登·拉姆齊(Gordon Ramsay)主持。在節目中,拉姆齊以其嚴厲的評語和激烈的言辭而聞名。以下是一些他著名的"罵人金句",但請注意,這些言論可能不適合所有觀眾,因為它們通常帶有強烈的情緒和粗俗的語言:

  1. "Get out of my kitchen!"(滾出我的廚房!)
  2. "Don't bother showing up tomorrow."(明天別來了。)
  3. "You call this a risotto? It's like eating wallpaper paste!"(你管這叫risotto?這就像在吃壁紙膠!)
  4. "What the hell is this? It looks like a pig threw up in a bag of marbles!"(這是什麼鬼東西?看起來像是一隻豬在裝寶石的袋子裡吐了!)
  5. "You've got more chance of winning the lottery than getting this right."(你中彩票的機會都比這做對的機會大。)
  6. "This is the worst [insert dish name] I've ever tasted in my life."(這是我一生中吃過最糟糕的[插入菜名]。)
  7. "You couldn't cook a sausage if your life depended on it."(就算你命懸一線,你也不會煮香腸。)
  8. "What part of 'raw' don't you understand?"(你哪裡不懂"生"這個詞?)
  9. "This is a kitchen, not a playground."(這是廚房,不是遊樂場。)
  10. "You're either on the bus or you're off the bus."(你要麼在車上,要麼在車下。)
