

  1. Journal of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
  2. Structural Engineering International
  3. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
  4. Journal of Transportation Engineering
  5. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
  6. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering
  7. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
  8. Journal of Bridge Engineering
  9. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering
  10. Journal of Management in Engineering

請注意,這些期刊的排名可能會隨時間而變化,而且不同的機構或組織可能會使用不同的標準來排名。此外,還有一些國際性的期刊,如《土木工程學報》(Acta Geotechnica)和《土木工程學報》(Journal of Civil Engineering and Management)等,它們也在土木工程領域內具有較高的影響力。