
"回家最好" 直譯為英文是 "It's best to go home"。這句話簡潔地表達了回家是最優選項的建議或決定。如果你想要使句子聽起來更自然或者根據上下文進行調整,可以考慮以下幾種表達方式:

  1. "I think it's best if we head home." (我認為我們最好回家。)
  2. "It's getting late, so I'm going to call it a night and go home." (天色已晚,所以我打算回家了。)
  3. "After a long day, there's nothing like the comfort of home." (經過漫長的一天,沒有什麼比家的舒適更讓人嚮往。)
  4. "I'd rather be at home than anywhere else right now." (現在我寧願待在家裡,不想去別的地方。)
  5. "Let's just go home and relax." (我們回家放鬆吧。)
