

  1. "I hope you rot in hell." (我希望你下地獄。)
  2. "May you suffer a fate worse than death." (願你遭受比死亡更糟的命運。)
  3. "I wish you nothing but pain and misery for the rest of your life." (我希望你餘生只有痛苦和不幸。)
  4. "May your days be filled with sorrow and your nights with terror." (願你的日子充滿悲傷,夜晚充滿恐懼。)
  5. "I hope you get what you deserve, tenfold." (我希望你得到你應得的,十倍之多。)
  6. "May your name be forgotten and your legacy be tarnished." (願你的名字被遺忘,你的遺產被玷污。)
  7. "I wish you the worst luck imaginable." (我希望你遇到最糟的運氣。)
  8. "May your every hope and dream turn to ash." (願你所有的希望和夢想化為灰燼。)
