
"The Encyclopedia of Garden Plants for Every Location" by Christopher Brickell and H. Marc Cathey is widely regarded as one of the most comprehensive and authoritative references on garden plants. It covers a wide range of plants suitable for various climates, soil types, and growing conditions, making it an excellent resource for gardeners looking to create a therapeutic or healing garden.

While it's not specifically titled as a "therapeutic" or "healing" plant encyclopedia, it provides detailed information on plant selection, cultivation, and care, which can be invaluable for designing a garden with the intention of promoting well-being and relaxation. The book is organized by plant type and includes information on each plant's growth requirements, maintenance, and any specific features that might make it particularly suitable for a therapeutic garden setting.

For those specifically interested in the therapeutic properties of plants, "The Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants" by Andrew Chevallier or "The Healing Garden: Growing, Using, and Understanding Medicinal Plants" by Kelly A. Smith might be more directly relevant. These books focus on the medicinal and healing properties of plants, including herbs and other garden plants that have been traditionally used for their therapeutic benefits.

Ultimately, the "complete" or "best" resource will depend on your specific needs and interests. For a broad overview of garden plants suitable for various landscapes and conditions, "The Encyclopedia of Garden Plants for Every Location" is an excellent starting point. For a deeper dive into the therapeutic properties of plants, "The Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants" or "The Healing Garden" could be more appropriate.