
"務求做到最好" 這個詞組可以翻譯為 "strive to do one's best" 或者 "aim to achieve the best results"。在英文中,"務求" 可以理解為 "to strive" 或者 "to aim",而 "做到最好" 則可以翻譯為 "to do one's best" 或者 "to achieve the best results"。


  1. The team is working hard and striving to do their best in the upcoming competition. (團隊正在努力工作,力求在即將到來的比賽中做到最好。)

  2. The company's goal is to aim to achieve the best results in the market. (公司的目標是力求在市場上取得最佳的成果。)

  3. The students are encouraged to strive for excellence and always aim to do their best. (學生們被鼓勵追求卓越,始終力求做到最好。)

  4. The project manager ensured that everyone on the team was striving to achieve the best outcomes. (項目經理確保團隊中的每個人都力求實現最佳的結果。)

  5. The athlete trained hard, aiming to break the world record and do her best. (這位運動員刻苦訓練,力求打破世界紀錄並做到最好。)