
"The Most Distant Way in the World" (世界上最遠的距離) is a popular Chinese song by Faye Wong, released in 1997. The song is adapted from a poem by Gu Cheng, a Chinese poet who lived in New Zealand. The poem and the song explore the theme of unrequited love and the idea that the most profound form of separation is not physical distance but the gap between two people who love each other but cannot be together.

The music video for "The Most Distant Way in the World" is a visual representation of the song's emotional depth and lyrical beauty. It features Faye Wong in various settings, often alone or in scenes that suggest a longing for connection. The video uses symbolism and imagery to convey the song's message, with scenes of isolation, nature, and urban landscapes adding to the overall atmosphere of melancholy and yearning.

The song and its music video have become classics in Chinese pop culture, resonating with audiences for their exploration of love, loss, and the human condition. Faye Wong's emotive performance and the song's haunting melody have made "The Most Distant Way in the World" one of her most iconic tracks.