
"世界上最奇妙的24堂課"(The Twenty-Four Most Unusual Classes in the World)是一本由約翰·F·沙利文(John F. Sullivan)所著的書,該書介紹了世界各地一些獨特而有趣的課程。這些課程涵蓋了各種主題,從超自然現象到極限運動,從美食到藝術,無所不包。以下是一些可能包含在書中的課程示例:

  1. 哈利波特魔法學(Harry Potter Magic at Durham University)
  2. 殭屍防禦策略(Zombie Apocalypse Preparedness at the University of California, Santa Cruz)
  3. 釀酒科學(Science of Beer Brewing at the University of California, Davis)
  4. 漫畫與流行文化(Comics and Popular Culture at the University of Florida)
  5. 搖滾樂歷史(History of Rock 'n' Roll at the University of North Texas)
  6. 烹飪科學(Science of Cooking at Harvard University)
  7. 極限運動心理學(Extreme Sports Psychology at the University of Denver)
  8. 星際旅行學(Star Trek: Media and Culture at Michigan State University)
  9. 盜賊與海盜歷史(History of Pirates and Buccaneers at the University of Central Florida)
  10. 夢境解讀(Dream Interpretation at the University of Freiburg in Germany)
