
Sky City is a fictional place, often depicted in science fiction or fantasy stories, where a city floats in the sky. The concept of a sky city can vary widely, but it typically involves a city that is suspended in the air, sometimes through anti-gravity technology, flying machines, or other advanced scientific means.

The idea of sky cities has captured the imagination of writers, artists, and architects for decades, offering a vision of urban living that is both futuristic and utopian. In some stories, sky cities are seen as a solution to overcrowding and environmental problems on the ground, while in others, they are the domain of the wealthy or powerful.

The term "Sky City" can also refer to specific works of fiction, such as the Japanese anime series "Sky City Aquaria," or the video game "Final Fantasy VII," which features a floating city called "Midgar." In these narratives, sky cities are often the setting for adventure, conflict, and exploration.